
October 31, 2008


I went to Archiver's this week, intending to splurge and get myself the Bind-it-all, which is $59, but use my 30% off coupon, so it'd be more like $40, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I remembered how nicely my Crop-o-dile made holes through thick stuff. So, I got some of the wire and bound this book I've been working on for quite a while...
Then I made a little one with Olivia...
She's writing her name really well and learning some new short words! We're doing the Book It Pizza Hut reading program...I did it 20 years ago!
* It is a reward system, you read to your child and then when they are older, they read to themselves and get a FREE pizza.
After working at the preschool today, I came home and helped the girls finish up their homeschooling lessons. Then, I got Pippi on the Run, at the library, made in 1977....a wildly fun and imaginative film. My parents came by and brought food (we ate a delicious barley dish, tomatoes, cucumbers and falafel for dinner). Mom made chocolate covered popcorn with almonds to enjoy while we watched the movie! Dad made us tea to enjoy.
We ended the day with Chapter 17 of Little House on the Prairie, in which Pa went to town and brought back glass for windows in their new home. Laura and Mary were so excited. The things we take for granted in 2008, like glass windows were so very special to them.


Sasha Farina said...

you bound that with crop a dile? man! i should try too :D

Erin said...

My boys love Little House on the Prairie, too. We were just talking about how we can eat candy whenever we want and remember how at Christmas they were delighted to get a peppermint stick? It was the best thing that happened to them all year. The things we take for granted!!

Kim Watson said...

You mini album turned out great! & all done with out a Bind-it-all! Clever thing!

I have never hear of the 'Book It Pizza Hut reading program' but I am curious & am about to google it. Max too it wanting so badly to learn how to read, even though he is only 4. I have started the basics with him....but I need some extra pointers not knowing anything about teaching :o) :o) I'll let you know what I find out.

Mimi said...

I got a BIA for Christmas last year and really love it, but I also like what you did with your CropADile (I've misplaced mine, grrrr)

Anne Marie said...

What? Pippi on the Run? Oh my goodness I loved Pippi Longstocking! I always wanted to be her. What fun!

You are too clever for figuring out to just buy the wires and use a c.o.d. ... wtg on saving money Martha!

Loreluca said...

MAN!!! how come I don't get those brilliant ideas??? i did go and get the bind it all with my coupon, too, and I still feel guilty for doing it... next time I want to buy something so expensive, I'll shoot you an email to ask what do you use instead...
Coco just brought today a coupon for her pizza, but I didn't know you can do it when you homeschool, how neat!
Your family sounds just so cozzy and comfy! Lovely evening... Little House on the Prairie RULES!!!

Anonymous said...

I love Little House books, we just re-read them last summer. I don't have a BIA either, but I do have a crop-o-dile and some wire, so I'll use that for my Jessica Sprague class journal, hope to "see" you there. (it's a free class)

::Sylvia:: said...

This is such a great idea! I wish I had something to bind like this! BTW, did you end up signing up for the Stories In Hand workshop? Let me know! :)