
January 25, 2008

Coming soon....

... a Longaberger party at 3pm on Sunday, at MY house, with my friend Amelia, so if you want something or would like to come, I'd love to have you! I'm making a light dinner, Jerk Chicken Salad and Quiche! P.S. That's the coolest tissue box, from my sister-in-law, my very first Longaberger basket! ...and Olivia's African violet we got last week.

CD made this cake for her daughter's birthday and I think we may do the same for someone around here....we have lil Pet Shops all over! Homemade cakes are the best!

Yikes, I really don't think this would help much. It would drive me nuts. When Hannah was 3 or 4, she started biting her nails, I went to Walmart, found some nailpolish near the pharmacy with cayenne pepper extract and it worked wonderfully, in a week, no more biting her nails.
[Please don't think I'm a mean mama....I did paint my own nails with it and it was just enough of a bitter taste that you didn't want it by your mouth!]

I haven't been painting lately, unless you call painting a swatch on paper that I'm scrapbooking with....but I have good intentions. I want to paint on canvas again.


  1. what type of work do you do now? does it involve your ar degree?

  2. :( no, I'm just working as a teacher's assistant in a preschool currently...the STUDENTS get to paint there, not ME!

  3. HI there! Thanks for your kind comment. I'll be 40 on Aug 1. I did the lo now because of a challenge at Faith Sisters. Happy 30 to you!

  4. thanks for the nail biting tip, think it might work??? I am convinced of the evils of biting now, thanks to this awful cold and the ensuing hideous cold sore I now have on my face. I hope I am truly cured now!!!

  5. I tagged you, so you're it!!! Details are on my blog!

  6. Popped in to say hello!

    You are such a busy bee {as usual}...I hope the Longaberger party goes well!

    LOVE that cake! I think that "someone" would be thrilled with one too heehee!


  7. I'm excited to see your paintings too! My maiden name was Rogers!!! Crazy! And did someone say you're turning or just turned 30? Because I did in September!!! Crazy coinkindinks!!!!

  8. Hi! I just wanted to let you know about and invite you to an online crop that I'm hosting on another board! The info is on my blog! I hope you'll join us. It's a smaller message board, but everyone over there is great.

    Take care, Julie

  9. That cake sure does look yummy! I haven't chewed on my nails since I was a little kid. I hate it when my nails get so short they hurt! Good luck with the nailpolish :)

  10. DID I MISS YOUR Birthday ? I don't remember DATES very well, "getting old & brain isn't remembering well". HAPPY BIRTHDAY !

  11. That cake is super cute!

    Hope your party is fun!
