
April 14, 2008

Time flies by...

Their hair was SO long....I love looking back at photos. Look at that bunny Olivia created out of her dough (simply yeast, warm water and flour). Hannah was making a bowl. We baked them and ate them.Almost everything I used in making this layout is Daisy D' everything from All Moments Remembered!

I'm anxiously waiting for The Miracle at Speedy Motors, the ninth in The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series of novels by Alexander McCall Smith. These mysteries take place in Botswana. I just found out that last month the BBC debuted a television series based on these books:

So you want scrumptious? Check this out:

Now, for something that is scary and sad (in my opinion)...have you heard of Oprah Winfrey's NEW church?



  1. Ok, so I am learning, the hard way I might add, not to visit your blog when I'm hungry! I LOVE those cupcake pops! I can't wait to try them with Angelo, he's gonna freak when he sees them! He just loves to help bake new things! I'm also going to take you up on the book, maybe we should start a book club...
    BTW, Oprah is totally freaking me out, I really respected her, but she's crossed the line big time with this.

  2. what a cute lo, and those cupcake lollys do look scrumptious!!!

  3. What a great layout!

    I'm really hungry for some strange reason...

    Love your header!

    And the Oprah thing, I just want to throttle her--or at least correct her --the whole jealous God thing?--She's so misguided! God's not jealous of HER, He's jealous of us giving our attention to anything unworthy ie not Him. Her whole basis is wrong wrong wrong...

  4. Oh my goodness, what an awesome page, and those pops are amazing.

    Have I mentioned that you need to come scrap with me and inspire me?

  5. Lovely layout, delicous looking goodies! And how upsetting about Oprah..........

  6. I've never been a cult of Oprah member, she is a very misguided individual who appeals to the masses because in her mind - anything goes and that's ridiculous. I heard about her show with the pregnant man - let's be serious, it is a woman who is pregnant and happens to be very very messed up and on her way to assuming the appearance of a man. I don't believe in Oprah's cult and I'm glad you posted this on your blog.

  7. By the way, the cupcake pops do look delicious. You always make your blog entries so interesting to read through.

  8. Just popped in here...and am so glad to hear that so many of you agree on the Oprah is a NEW AGE cult like thing. Very scary.

  9. I love your L.O....Olivia is so sweet in her plaits. The multi print title is very effective. I have never heard of the books you mentioned...but I love a good mystery. Thanks for the link. I went to your other link for the cupcake pops...delish!!!! I have to try them!!

    It is so sad about Oprah. I hope someone close to her sets her straight...for her own good.

  10. Very pretty layout!!!! I love cupcakes and well Oprah she's joining the fallin off the rocker club along with Tom Cruise and all those other crazy celebs!!
