
May 12, 2008

Last week of school....

This is the last week of classes for the children in the pre-school where I work. At the end of the week, we will release the butterflies we had since they were little caterpillars and then have a picnic together! Yesterday was my namesday, the day we honor the myrrhbearers, St. Martha was amongst those women who went to the tomb of Christ. Mom gave me a potted mum, which I just put in a planter in the backyard.My parents got some blooming-teas. They were so much fun to watch, as you pour the hot water over them, they opened up, a fragrant jasmine scent and with a little honey...very scrumptious! Sweet little tea party in our backyard!
A happy mother!

Hannah is picking "wheat." The dandelion puffs and tall grass are beautiful to me, to some the weeds may not be pretty, but I prefer it to the neatly manicured lawns (although I do admire them), because this is way more fun, the girls are always collecting seeds and watching the cycle of life.
My little ninjas with their sensei. Usually either Rob or I take the girls to karate, but thankfully we both went on Saturday. We weren't sure about the day of their promotion, but turned out to be a perfect day!


  1. Hi, Martha! Thanks for visiting my blog today :) It's nice to be back in the swing of things.

    I absolutely love this picture!! It has a very calming effect :)

  2. I showed that photo to Hannah, she was totally oblivious that I was taking photos while she was "harvesting" wheat.

  3. I have some of that tea, it is quite scrumptious!

  4. i love all of your photos...i LOVE blooming tea, too!

  5. Happy Name Day (a little late).

    I love wild flowers in my garden too. I even went out and transplanted some Queen Anne's Lace (one of my favs) from the side of the road to my garden.

  6. Happy Nameday! (a little late as well) I love the pics and the blooming tea, where did you find that? Oh, and I figure you're the best person to ask, what are ATC's? :)

  7. Happy names day ! I'm glad they are in Karate, I will enroll my little J sometime soon in Germany, if I can find a karate school on base. I love ur pictures & always love visiting ur blog. I posted NEW PICS in mine... seems like WI visit is dragging & long. I just want a HOME & not a SUITCASE home.

  8. Happy Mother's Day and Namesday! What a wonderful confluence!

    Many Years!

  9. I am sorry I forgot your Nameday! I remembered to call my my for both Mother's day and Nameday. God grant you many years, better late than never as my 91 y.o. grandmother has always said.
    I hope all is well with you and yours, what an eventful weekend for you guys!

  10. Hi Martha,

    cross posting from your comment on my blog at

    I'd love to add my photo to your group of "people with icons" but I don't know how.

  11. Happy belated Namesday. Beautiful family you've got there.

  12. What a lovely 'spring' post!

    Tea parties, fragrant grass & butterflies... I can almost feel the sunshine on my face (we are all wintry & rainy here).

    Happy name day, feel special!! I so enjoy reading about your traditions and congratulations to the pint sized ninja's!

  13. Can I come to the next tea party? Can I can I?
