
May 22, 2008

Going to see some butterflies!

She picked out that purple butterfly barrette to wear especially for today! We had Gatorade on our hands, so they would be attracted and want to visit with us...some put it on their cute.Yesterday Hannah picked that polka-dot headband out at XXI. I love that shop, great prices, I got a few things for myself! I really thought it was interesting how they were attracted to colors like them. I'm sure they have to camoflauge from predators sometimes.

Good thing these girls of mine, don't seem to take after me too much...
I was saying, "Uh, Lisa, two butterflies just landed on you!" (What an expression, eh?) Then, one landed on her daughter's head....she should be taking a picture of that instead of us 3.

A butterfly landed on my foot!


***Goodnews: My sister Mary and her fiance have discussed their potential move to Kiev, Ukraine and after much thought have told NATO that they can't take the job! I would've really missed her. We all would have, although I know we'd still talk often. I'm glad to have them on the same continent!


  1. I'm glad they will be on the same continent! Yay.

    What a beautiful day and beautiful photos!

  2. what adorable pics! your girls are gorgeous!

  3. OH Marfa, you have the cutest little girls ever and such cute and interesting outtings! Love it! and glad to hear your sister will still be on the same continent with you! :)

  4. That is a big decision they made! I bet they were pretty torn, esp him.

    The picture of the girls leaving is sooo cute. My aunt taught me the beauty of taking pictures from behind :)

  5. What a great day!

    I love the pics --and you have a layout done already! How awesome are you?!

    I thought it was hilarious you know the "Pharmacy" font on sight. I have a few like that, that are my favorites, another one is "Ale & Wenches".

  6. I recently discovered "Pharmacy" and love it....fonts are awesome! I even think that I write in a variety of fonts!

  7. I love your pictures...what a fun fun day! Your girls are just too precious!

  8. Wonderful photos!!!! We've been to a great butterfly house in St. Louis which we all love, but I've never gotten such great photos. Your girls are so beautiful!

  9. Your daughters are adorable!! Love all your pics!!!

  10. I'm so happy your sister is staying! It's so hard being far from loved ones :(

    Love the butterflies! I've always wanted to take the boys to do that!

  11. I love how your girls are real little in the story books....all sugar & spice. I think your butterfly outing pics are amazing what a great experience for the girls.

    Good news about your sister hey? You must be thrilled....I know how close you all are.

  12. I LOVE visiting butterfly gardens!! Looks like the girls had such a great time seeing all those beautiful butterflies.

    I'm so glad your sister will be staying here with you!! That's wonderful news :)
