
June 19, 2008

How does your garden grow?

Getting ready for my sister's bridal shower. She's a fantastic cook. I bet her fiance will fatten up after they're married!

I want to be a "locavore." I'm reading this fascinating and thought-provoking book right now. Can you believe a farmer was sued for saving seeds? Yep, and the seed company won, thankfully they didn't make him pay, but it is illegal to save certain seeds, the ones that have been genetically modified.
This is our late garden. Let me explain, last year we had watermelon, cantaloupe and tomatoes that produced no edible fruit (green or animals ate them), we were frustrated and decided not to have a garden this year, but the more we thought about it, we wanted fresh organic vegetables and fruit. So last week, Rob worked really hard, dug the earth and chopped it up, mixed in manure and top soil and now we're faithfully watering it. Funny scarecrow Rob made, eh? Those are his old military coveralls! And rootbeer bottles hanging from each "arm."
*Did you see Twinkle hopping around the yard in that photo? check out this fabulous website, they have some gorgeous fabric & pom poms for sale. - I've added a link on the right hand side to this blog. Vintage aprons (and EATING alligator if you check her most recent post! Ew)


  1. I bet you can't wait until all the Scrumptious-ness grows!

    What cute favors!

  2. Cute favors and good luck with your garden....We've had to fight the critters too!!! LOL...

  3. good luck with your garden this year. I just found out I have to move due to a crappy landlord and leave my beautiful, fluffy, thriving herb garden behind that I've been nurturing for three summers now. grrrrr....

  4. Love the heart shaped cookie cutter! Sooooooooooo cool :D :D

  5. I like the wedding favor. I'm thinking of doing a little garden here in my Germany home too. Just a little one for some veggies/herbs -our neighbors grows nice garden (strawberry, etc.)& i may need some tips. I'm not much of a green thumb, so I pray I have garden luck.

  6. Your button is correctly placed & linked! Thank you! Send me an e-mail at jmlsdi3 at yahoo dot com with your BLOG NAME and mailing address to receive your vintage apron! Lisa

  7. Yes - I want to be a locavore too. I've been reading "From Farm to Table", which discusses current food production. Maybe I'll post on this soon.

    For now, I join you on the journey... by the way, do you know how to organically get rid of ants and red insects eating my tomatoes?

  8. I love vintage aprons and my mother has made me some using up a stack of her old material from well, let's just say a long time ago. I won't ever let them go.

    Good luck on the garden, hope the animals leave it alone!

  9. I hope everything grows & flourishes! With you tending the garden I am sure it will yield ton of delish veggies.

    Oooh! I see you won an apron...well done.
