
June 25, 2008


Join in! Jessica is hosting another REAL LIFE day, see for details. So, here's my take...

Curb appeal (our lovely lil home built in the 1940s, we bought it 2 years ago):
From whence I blog:
One of the MANY junk drawers:
My best feature?
My FAV piece of jewelry?
That turquoise necklace (it's NEW to me, I ordered it from Premier Designs, a woman at the school where I work sells their jewelry)....that's my fav colour!
I got a yard of pom poms (pink and orange, as you see in this card) at JoAnn's for 1.99 a yard....they're so much fun. I have a skirt with rows of them and love it. I'm thinking of adding some to more clothes...


  1. your house is so cute! we have a lot in common, I love turquoise too!!!! It really is my fave color. And I love those pom pom trims, I found some pink pom pom trim at walmart for a little cheaper than jo's but I have bought it from jo's before too. I also got some awesome lace from walmart too. I bought 2 kinds of white, and then the beige crocheted lace that you admired on one of my layouts. Something really cool that I discovered is that I can ink the white lace and make it any color I need it to be for whatever project I'm using it on. I felt oh so clever for discovering that!!!

  2. I love your house and that necklace!

  3. I love your house!! So cute! You're so the eyes and necklace!

  4. I love your house. Its so cute.

  5. What a lovely house, and gorgeous card and of course, beautiful hazel eyes (I have them too!)

  6. I love your stonework! The chunky necklace is fab. You have great teeth too by the way. :) Cute card.

  7. I love your house!!! It's so cute and your necklace is amazing! Not many people can pull of those kinds of necklaces (I can't!)!!!

  8. I double love your house. That is my favorite style of home--I want to retire in a brick cottage-esque home.

    You're so cute! Beautiful eyes.

  9. I love the house. You are very talented with the cards. Your eyes are very pretty but I must say I think you have a really great smile as well. You just look so friendly!!!

  10. Beautiful house, it's amazing. I love the necklace and your hazel eyes are gorgeous too!!

  11. Thanks for visiting! Love your "It's Real Life" post - I'm going to get around to doing it one of these days!

    Your girls are just precious! Love your little red head. My Lulu is a red head & it's curly - I'm crazy about it!!!

    Anyway, please stop by again, and I'll do the same!

  12. The necklace... totally gorgeous. I'd wear it constantly. I think it would look lovely even with my bathrobe... :)

    Beautiful house, beautiful you!


  13. Wow, everything about you is so cute! You commented on my blog that your hubby is named Rob and is military like mine. More coincidences - I am also a PC consultant (currently on a break but still) and LOVE the Mma Ramotswe series! I posted on it recently even. Have fun!

  14. Found you while surfing blogs. Love all the stuff on your blog. your house is cute!

  15. WOw, your blog has grown & 15 comments before mine! wow, a popular blog sight to many people. I must say - you LOOK LOVELY in that picture w/ or w/out the necklace ! You look beautiful. Hello from Germany ! Wishing you guys were here.

  16. It is so great to see where you live....& what a quaint house must have so much history attached to it?

    I love, love, love your necklace....the colour is gorgeous...just like you my sweet friend...inside & out :o)

    Beautiful card you made...the pom-pom's are such fun!

    Hope you are having a good party....wish we lived close by :o(
    Hugs to you all especially the birthday girl!

  17. Your home is absolutely adorable! I just love brick homes. They have such character and charm.

    Your necklace is really pretty, too, as are your hazel eyes! They both compliment each other.

    The card you made is too cute. I love those pom-poms that you got at Jos. They add just the right amount of movement to your card!

  18. Love the pom poms on the card! Again welcome to ScrapLove!
