
June 7, 2008

Our camp...

Everything smelled sweet, Mountain Laurel, Bigleaf Magnolia, the blueberries growing in the mountains (green, some still tiny flowers), there were ferns, maples, oak trees, turtles, salamanders, many see the rest of our photos go to:
We went on a camping trip this past home and realized that we didn't miss the phone, internet/computer (I had a journal) or TV at all!

This is one of the arches, called Sky Bridge, yes, we walked over the top of it...about 10 feet wide. It reminds me of a place we used to hike as a child in Vermont, that we called Mount Horrid. My mom used to get scared when we'd try to look over the edge of the cliff, but I felt I had complete control of my actions...however, I feel the same way now, with my family. Here we are under the left half. There is so much natural beauty that God created, but I felt most comfortable sitting & taking it in!


  1. Hi, Martha!! It looks like you and your family had such a wonderful time camping!! I know that I would NOT miss all the technology that ties me down here. I think Travis and I may be heading out on a camping/birding adventure in a month or so, but we have to play that one by ear.

    I was just catching up on all of your previous posts, and I'd like to wish Olivia a very happy 5th b-day!! I cracked up when I read the comment about her booster seat. That was too cute.

    The weather here has been absolutely beautiful. Sunshine every day!! I'm a lucky girl now :)

    I'll catch ya later!!

  2. Great photos. So your the one I need to talk to about camping. We want to start camping and have yet to take the plunge. Funny thing, I camped when I was a kid, but I wasn't the one getting things together...

    Any recommendations on how to start? Perhaps we should just grab some bread, p-nut butter and jelly and go and make a list of all the things we wish we would have brought that we didn't. :)

    Mat. Michelle

  3. thanks for your sweet comment on the TS blog!

    You camping pictures are great - bet you can't wait to scrapbook them! :-)

  4. looks like you had a fun time! great pics!

  5. What a wonderful time you must have hear the quiet & peacefulness of the forest every day must have been awesome.
    Family time is so important...& what a special way to do it.

  6. This looks so wonderful. I miss getting a chance to camp. Older kids and summer activities have pushed it out.

  7. Oh my goodness, gorgeous photos! And, I can smell the campsite through your description.

    I'm not much of a camper, but these photos look lovely.

  8. How much fun it must have been! I LOVE to camp! We used to go up to Pymatuming (sp?) Lake as a kid every summer and I still just love to camp! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Tag your it! Check out my blog for the keepin' it real meme!

  10. Looks like you did have a good time. Glad to know other people out there like camping. Now, if you are ever in NJ and want a good place to stay, let me know and I can tell you all about a great campground - Pilgrim Lake.

  11. ooooo. . .looks like fun. so lush. unlike where i live. . .

  12. That looks like so much fun. There are lots of nature-oriented thins to do around here, so I am looking forward to exploring this summer!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such sweet comments. I wanted to let you know about the layout I did where I ruffed up the edges... You asked how it was done. All I did was tear and bend the edges of the paper with my fingers and then I inked the edges with black ink. One of my favorite techniques to add great dimension! :)
    Your family is so cute! I was just looking through some of your older posts. What a precious little family! You take great photos!

  15. looks like A fun family day ! I'm just catching up on reading your blog - wow lots of things had happened. I like your "house keeping it real" stuff.

  16. I've been to the Red River Gorge before to go rock climbing. I haven't gotten to explore it extensively. I would like to go back and visit as a non-climber to take in the beauty like you.

    *Thanks for visiting my WW blog :o)
