
September 22, 2008

A giveaway... the lucky first person who can tell me what flower that is:

  • bar of milk chocolate from Trader Joe's
  • set of homemade cards

  • a handful of my favorite teas from Trader Joe's, again (chamomile, raspberry infusion, orange rooibus)

Yes, we love Trader Joe's ...from the 1 # bags of organic carrots for 89 cents (our bunnies love 'em too) to finding Wart the frog, the friendly folk that work there, FREE samples, scrumptious sorbet, reward for recycling your bag and helium balloon at the end. Great place!

Homemade mozarella layered with tomatoes from our garden!


  1. They look a bit like amaryllis (Paper Whites), but I've never seen them just growing outside, so I'm not sure!

  2. Hmm, a wild guess - is your garlic or onion flowering?

  3. Is it some kind of allium? I have something like it in my yard.

  4. No clue whatsoever, my dear!!! But I know they looks like some flowers we have, too!
    I'm green with envy with your garden's fruits. Mine has been a total disappointment. The asparragus never came. And the cantaloupe didn't really get ripe, it just went bad in the vine :(
    Oh, well... I'll have to live vicariously through your garden!

  5. i have no idea what it is...but i do love mozzerella and tomatoes from the garden!


  6. I googled it & still couldn't find that flower. I have NO idea what it is...darn ! Well, better luck next time.

  7. I have to say the tomato salad looks amazing. Tomatoes and Mozzarella is one of my favorite things to eat. I can't wait to have our garden next year. We didn't get to do one this year because of moving:( I really missed having my own produce! It saves so much money!

  8. Tomatoes and mozerella look amazing!

  9. Cute cards, we live too far from TJs to go reguarly, yummy looking food, and I am pretty flower illiterate.

  10. Or to spell regularly, apparently.

  11. Wow, your dinner looks fantastic! When can I come over? :)

  12. The TJ's orange rooibos is my absolute favorite. Phew! I'm glad I didn't send you any (almost did!)... looks like you probably already have some at your house :D

    I love how small TJ's is... so easy to navigate and I'm in and out in such a short amount of time.
