
June 17, 2009

Homemade kiwi popsicles

Oh, yeah...they were good.

  • Mashed up 3 kiwis with a fork
  • Added about 1 tablespoon of sugar (next time I'll try honey)
  • Froze for 5 hours...and then...Mmmmm!!!

    Day 1 at ART CAMP: we made stepping stones with cement and drew SHOES
Day 2 at ART CAMP: drawing from life (lilies), we also dyed papertowels and played with clayDay 3 at ART CAMP: we are going to tie dye t-shirts and use watercolor pencils

P.S. I always love reading the comments you leave...and the ones like my dad and mom, who look at my blog and then tell me in person! XO


  1. Ok, we are going to try those kiwi pops!

  2. So neat!!! I like to put the grapes and strawberries in the freezer after I wash them... they are DELICIOUS!!!

  3. Art camp looked like fun! How did the tie-dye go?

    Those kiwi popcicles look yummy! Where did you get the molds? How cute are they?

  4. ART CAMP ? are you the leader of that ART CAMP ! Can I sign up for that camp ? I would be so happy to have my girl JOIN that art camp !. Glad you had a great time, KIWI POPsicle ? I will have to try that next time, right now - it's strawberry season here, we found "homemade STRAWBERRY KETCHUP !". HAPPY FATHER"S DAY !

  5. art camp looks so awesome! wish I could come and play.

    the butterfly exhibit also looks wonderful.

  6. okay, homemade kiwi popsicles sound too delicious!
    Marfa--your blog is really fun--you seem like a very creative mom. Thanks for sharing your ideas!

    Would you email me off-line? I have a question for you...
