
February 1, 2010

A short walk from our house...

There are a few parks we like to go to...that's one advantage of living in a more urban area...the weather was nice and sunny, but still pretty cold. We found some fun ice at one park. Hannah and Olivia wanted to take it home. It broke shortly after taking this photo below.
We read lots of books...since there's a library just a short walk away from our home, we go frequently, sometimes two times in a day. I read while laying in bed at night, alone on weeknights, since Rob works 2nd shift. This is a cute book, but the same author who writes Charlie and Lola books. It's a good story about a poodle who doesn't want to stay clean and have pom pom haircuts, but have FUN.
The children's librarian, Garrette, also known simple as Miss G was interviewed and read a story on how to make chocolate banana pops. Yum. All you need is:
  • bananas
  • chocolate (I melt it in a glass dish in microwave for about 60 seconds)
  • sprinkles (colored sugar, chopped nuts, or maybe shredded toasted coconut)
  • popsicle sticks
Simply peel banana, chop in half, insert popsicle stick and dip into melted chocolate and then place on wax paper and sprinkle, freeze or refridgerate until chocolate is set. Enjoy. Something fun to make with young children...and then eat together!


  1. It looks like you had a nice time! I hope you are doing well. It is snowing here today! I love the snow! Thanks for the idea to do with Niko! I miss you! Have a great week.

  2. Isn't the library just one of the greatest places on earth!? The cover of that poodle book is adorable. I'm going to check it out for my daughter, Mary. Thanks for the great looking chocolate banana recipe! : )

  3. That book sounds fun, I'll have to see if our library has it. Tonight we read "Too Loud Lily", one of my favorites (but I often change it to Too Loud Zion).

    My mom used to make banana pops for us in the summers. :)
