
February 10, 2010


Some double scoop ice cream cones...looking like hearts, just in time for St. Valetine's day. That last one I made for myself, to remember my aunt who passed away a couple of months ago...and a quote by Tennyson "tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."

I love when my girls share...Hannah bought some stick on nails back in December and there was enough in the pack to share with Olivia. I crocheted some pink yarn into a scallop for an accent...I rather like it.

AND today is another snow day. I shoveled the driveway at dawn. So quiet and peaceful...Lusy our dog came with me, did her business in the snow, then sat there enjoying it all with me. I think I'm going to make some french toast for breakfast.


  1. I loved your ATC! Thank you!
    May her Memory be Eternal.

  2. Hey Marfa!
    I got your lovely gifts in the mail! Thank you so much, I just love the fuschia coin purse and my girls have already gotten MANY compliments on their pretty hair clips.

    You're so kind, thank you again!
    In Christ,

  3. It sounds so nice to be shoveling snow and it be so peaceful. We someimtes forget how quiet life can be!

  4. Such a cute layout. Love your crocheted border! I really need to learn to crochet.

    I do think the snow is pretty, but I'm really ready for spring! Take care.

  5. your girls are beauties ! :) Happy Valentine's day and LuRVE your banner !

  6. :D Those cards are adorable! Wow! What a great idea!

