
February 5, 2011

Super Bowl

I am an Orthodox Christian, like Troy Polamalu (who is playing with the Steelers tomorrow for the Super Bowl), so it is really inspiring to read about him:

Here is an except that I like:
"He kissed the three-inch framed photos of the Virgin Mary and Jesus, then crossed himself, repeating the sequence several times before tucking them into his backpack."
This is what Troy did as he left the locker room after a game in Cleveland. I love when I see people praying...reminds me to pray more often. I've always liked Norman Rockwell, this is one of my favorites.


  1. Wow, good story! I have to admit though, 'photos of the Virgin Mary and Jesus' did make me laugh. Now that would be a miracle. Aw, bless...

  2. very cool...

    and i love that painting too!
