
March 11, 2011

Just enough snow...

Yep. It was just enough to go sledding...but we had to go early...the sun was coming up (and it turned out to be a beautifully sunny day):Both Olivia and then, Hannah crashed into the swings...poor Hannah it looks like she was hurt, but she's really okay! I promise.

Did you notice our dog, Lusy, rolling around in the snow? She loved it.


  1. Two for Two! both ended up hitting the swings! Looks like they had a fun day, though! Kids love snow!

  2. WOW ! can't believe it's snowing still there ! It was 65 here & Im' so glad it is ! Looks like U had fun !

  3. looks like you had a special time!

  4. Our snow is long gone...the large snow piles in the front of our house are finally gone. But I kind of miss it.

  5. Oh how I wish we had a good sled hill around here. :) Beautiful, fun day!
