
March 28, 2011

Making pottery...and socks...

My sister and her husband just arrived...pretty chandelier, huh? This place has all sorts of art classes and open studio FREE.
Juliana, my 5 year old niece, made a volcano!
Emma, my sister's 3 year old...painting her bowl.

Hannah took a picture of me working on the wheel.
A video of Olivia working on the wheel to make her bowl...
Heading home...what a pretty building Happen Inc has...Susanna bought the girls each a ceramic garden butterfly!
I finished my first sock...on Saturday!
Sunday after church, I worked on my 2nd sock...
I'm wore a necklace that used to be my grandmother's yesterday. I wish I knew where she got it...she passed away almost exactly 9 years ago. She was a knitter, too. She bought me and my sister yarn and knitting needles when she took us to Scotland.


  1. Hannah looks almost as tall as me in that picture!

  2. Congratulations on the socks!
    I love the paint everywhere, even on faces!

  3. Gram got that necklace in Morocco, I think it was in the old market in Marakesh. It looks great on you! SOunds like you all have been having a fun and busy spring!

  4. Great necklace - what a cool heirloom!

    Congrats on the socks also - it's wonderful to finish a knitting project!

  5. Your sock is fantastic! And thanks for the recipe. It looks yummy...I'm surprised that I never thought of making a pesto for Lent. My "regular" recipe has cheese in it and I just didn't get creative on that one...

  6. the ceramics time looks like so much fun! i miss getting my hands dirty with clay.

    your sock is great! i can't wait to see the pair of them when you're done!

  7. That sock is so adorable!!! Next winter I might get daring enough to try to knit a sock. Pray for me!

  8. All lovely photos but I like the red socked foot and you in your grandmother's necklace especially.

  9. Love that sock! Now I want to knit a red pair!
