
March 21, 2011

Sunday afternoon...

Right after church, Hannah went to the tent...if you can see behind her, you'd notice the yarn and crochet hook, along with the book her Aunt Lucy gave her.Olivia running to the backyard, eager to play...
Saturday, I attended this great conference, Learning through Play. And I am looking forward to watching Waiting for Superman a movie that discusses the education, highlighting several successful charter schools (like the OHVA's that we are using) and upsetting many public school folks, but we've got to do what's best for the children!Later, we went to my parent's celebrate my dad's namesday! We went for a walk together...nice weather.My sister, her husband and son came, after we played a game of Yahtzee with Dad...I love the expression on her face here, as she is talking to Mom. We got him some Justin's chocolate hazelnut "butter"...P.S. Did you see the moon Saturday night? Rob, Hannah, Olivia and I stood on our backporch and watched it rise, attempted at taking photos, but nothing could capture the beauty.


  1. that a lot of nice things! many many years to your father.

  2. Wow - it seems like only last week you were showing us snow photos...and how the girls have pitched a tent.

    Happy name-day to your dad.

  3. Your post has a very Spring-y feel to it! Happy Feast Day!
