
April 11, 2011

Kite fest...and my favorite book series...

Our tree is covered in pink flowers...I love it. I took this photo as we left home and headed to the Kite Fest.Rob and the girls in front of GIANT wind socks.
Hannah flying her little blue kite.That's me flying the parafoil's the best.
Olivia flying our parafoil kite.
The 12th book in the "No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency" is out...and I have it on "HOLD" at the library, but it's quite popular, so hopefully in a couple of weeks, I'll get it!

We watched the BBC episodes on DVD, which we also got from the it!


  1. I didn't know the BBC had episodes! I'll have to check those out. :)
    Loving your pics of the Kite fest!

  2. Oh we did go to the kite festival Sunday! It was such a perfect day for flying kites

  3. the kite fest looks like so much fun! i love those pics of you and hannah hanging out on the bench, flying your kites.

  4. Ooo, so going to go put that book on hold myself! (My trick for getting high demand books faster, put the large print version on hold instead. It usually has a fraction of the holds as the regular version.)
