
June 1, 2011

Jail time...

Hubbard squash in a Missouri jail, photo from the Facebook page of: Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company. You know seriously there are some seeds that can get you into trouble. The HUGE seed monopoly Monsanto has sued farmers for saving seeds. If they contain a certain percentage of their genetically modified seeds, they own it, even if you unintentionally grew it and it was pollinated by a bee the year before who happened upon a field of Monsanto's crop. So, we're trying to steer clear of that crazy stuff.We're planning our trip out west and hope to stop here: I assume this photo was taken last pretty!

Our garden is doing well...we planted the rest of our seeds exactly a week ago. We have red potatoes, yellow onions, beets, yellow and green beans, carrots, tomatoes, peas and a little herb garden. We cut some of my rhubarb stalks to cook with a little water and sugar...yum. We're eating lettuce and cilantro straight from the backyard. We went to a log cabin built in 1894 with some friends. There, we spent Olivia's 8th birthday and she got this hammock and napping mask as gifts from us... She is napping right now, actually.I cut 12 inches of Hannah's beautiful hair yesterday to donate to Locks of Love. We did it already once before (almost 2 years ago) and they sent a nice personalized "thank you" postcard. She loves having short hair, although it may not look like it in the more braids, but it is so easy to brush. Usually we struggle to get all the tangles out daily!


  1. awww, her hair looks great newly cut, but she does look a bit sad!

    Monsanto is super crazy and big... and it is NUTS that they can get away with suing FARMERS.

    a true garden is a lovely thing to behold.

  2. Your garden was gorgeous when we saw it two years ago. David really wanted a garden this year, but with the new baby, I knew it wouldn't be possible. Next year we plan to do it for sure.

    Hannah's hair looks beautiful. That is such a wonderful lesson for her and Olivia to learn.

  3. Her hair is lovely (I grinned at her face in the mirror) what a gift she gave.

  4. I am delighted you wrote about that seed company good for you! They also hurt a good many overseas farmers & families. I like your jail picture, priceless.

  5. Maybe you will be in our area if you are visiting the seed store "out west"? I'd love to meet up with you if only for a few minutes. Send me an e-mail at the address on my blog page. xxx
