
January 9, 2012

Joyous feast of the Nativity

(I sewed circle skirts for my is Olivia with her friend Sasha after church on Nativity)

I greet you all with the feast of the Nativity of Christ, which we celebrated 2 days ago, December 25, 2011 (old calendar) or January 7, 2012 (new calendar)!My sister and her husband came down from Canada (a 13 hour drive in the car for them, they headed back early this morning, so are probably getting home just now).My 1 year old niece giving my dad a homemade present...
Today, my dad read prayers over my youngest sister's baby boy, Theodore. He is 8 days old now, and the naming-prayers are usually done on this day. I am going to be his Godmother! Hopefully, his baptism will be in about a month.


  1. Joyous Feast to you and your family. I love all the photos and the skirt is adorable.

  2. Christ is born! Glorify Him! What beautiful pictures. Congratulations on being the godmother of this beautiful baby!!!

  3. You all are a wonderful family ! May God bless you !

  4. Blessed Nativity and New year to you and your beautiful family! Congratulations on being a Godmother. What a wonderful gift!!! The pictures are all so lovely.

  5. Oooh, congratulations, Godmama to be! He's adorable.
    The photo of your dad and your niece is gorgeous!
    Christ is Born!

  6. Christ is Born! We also on the old calendar. I look forward to following your blog.

  7. Such a cutie! Hope you enjoyed the holidays - so great that so many could gather together :)

  8. Merry Christmas! Your nephew is adorable. And the skirt you made is so festive. Where did you find such great fabric?
