
March 26, 2012

Going back for seconds...

We plan to get more of this at Trader Joe's...we are lucky to live just 2 miles from it. $3.49 per pint.


  1. Oh my goodness, I love that stuff! I've been watching for it ever since the last time they had it a TJs. So excited it's back! I have to admit, I found it too decadent for Lent, but I want to get some for my vegan Godson's Pascha basket for sure.

  2. I'm so jealous! The closest Trader Joes to me is 1.5 hrs away, and I don't know if ice cream will last that long in the car :( Bummer! I'll have to live vicariously through you!

  3. Yum! I am like Samantha a minimum of an hour and a half I could eat it in the parking lot though. :-)
