
December 28, 2012

Sledding in French Park

The old wooden sled with metal runners actually works very well, we used it a lot, but it's only good for one person at a time, so I took pictures and a movie when they were on the biggest sled, the black "Pelican Mega Snow Glider."
 Such a pretty landscape...I love snow on the tree branches.


  1. Isn't it magical how even a dusting of snow transforms the everyday view into a fairy wonderland! Lovely to see you all out enjoying winter fun together.

  2. My kids were able to go sledding while we were visiting my family. They loved it!

  3. So awesome, Michelle...they are in NY, right? ♥ I've been enjoying your travel pictures!!!

  4. Yes, they are about 40 miles north of NYC. We had several inches of snow while we were there.
