
July 26, 2013


The medley relay is always the first at our swim meets.  That's when all 4 strokes are used:
  1. backstroke
  2. breaststroke
  3. butterfly
  4. freestyle
Olivia swam well!  Her teammates did, too, on Wednesday evening's meet.  So, after practice on Thursday morning (8:30 to 9:30am...I ♥ the early start to the day), they all got ribbons.
They got their t-shirts and put them on after warm-ups.  Their team is named "Piranhas."  The kids set up their towels and stuff in the baby pool area.
Hannah ready to dive in, on the freestyle relay.  She came home with 3 first place ribbons and one second place.  Our final swim meet is tomorrow!
Olivia also swam individual backstroke...and got first place. 
On my list of things to make:  homemade pita on the stove top!  I don't like to turn on the oven, since we don't have central air conditioning, just a window unit, which doesn't cool things off if it has the hot oven to compete with...

1 comment:

  1. stove top pita, what a good idea!

    YAY for the swimmers! very impressive! good job!!! :)
