
September 22, 2014

Black belt...and baby!

 The karate black belt test is comprised of many different aspects (written exam, physical test, history questions, speech, kata, making a kicking routine). 
Hannah has been taking classes here for 7 years now (she started when she was 6 years old).  She's been preparing for the past month, by doing 100 jumping jacks, 50 sit-ups and 25 push-ups daily.  She wrote a speech that she had to give (without reading from the paper, which was hard) to the group on Saturday. 
All done, it was almost 4 hours...but we enjoyed watching everyone being tested, seeing their weaknesses (yes, a few emotional moments) and (MANY) strengths.  It was beautiful.  Thank you to Sensei Scott and everyone else in the dojo who has helped Hannah in this journey. ♥
Also, Sunday (just yesterday) we got really wonderful news!  At 3:11am my sister gave birth to a baby boy!  Her husband delivered the baby at home, as everything happened pretty quickly. 


  1. how wonderful about the black belt! what an achievement! :)

    So exciting about M. and the baby!!! Can't wait to DV meet him :) <3

  2. Congratulations, Auntie!
    I think it's great that Hannah has had the opportunity to learn such discipline and be in great physical shape.

  3. Hi there! Drop me a note at jennifer s bliss at gmail - no spaces - you are the winner of the Apple Flavor!!!! Congrats!

  4. Black belt!!! Wow!!! Congratulations!
    And best wishes to little baby boy!

  5. Way to go Hannah!!Congratulations!I know how difficult the black belt test can be-you should be very proud of yourself.

    The JeromskyFamily

  6. Congratulations to Hannah and your sister! Many years!
