
September 8, 2014

Russian Fest...

This past Saturday was the Russian Fest at our church.  Father Daniel gave tours of the church, explaining our faith, icons, the meaning behind some of the things that people may not know and answered any questions.  When I was in there, he was answering a question someone asked about our brothers and sisters in Christ in Syria. ♥  Lord have mercy on them.
 Olivia with her friend, Lenora.
 Hannah with her friend, Maerin.
 These are some of my favorite tomatoes, they are orange with stripes!
This is how I have been making tomato sauce:  chopping, blending in the food processor, adding basil garlic and cooking.
 Goodies from the box "Cones for the Cure!" 
Who wants to win a copy of this book, Rita the Boot-Neck Girl?  It's a silly story by little Elena Desserich (more about her story here: ♥


  1. looks like a wonderful Russian fest and your sauce looks great! yum! May God have mercy on all the sick children who are in need of a cure! <3

  2. Those tomatoes are beautiful! I love summer tomatoes. And the sauce looks yummy too!

  3. What is the name of your orange striped tomato? That sounds like one I would like to plant; orange tomatoes are our favorites. I have been neglecting all the wonderful cherry tomatoes that are ripening in the garden, until this week when I picked several quarts of orange and red and made soup by stewing them a long time with basil and garlic, so that a lot of the water was cooked off. I froze that mix, and when the weather is cooler I'll blend it up and add cream to make a yummy tomato soup.

  4. I'm really not sure of the name of the striped husband keeps track of that better than I do. It may be a hybrid, because we've been saving seeds from years past. Tomato soup is a GREAT idea! ♥ thank you!!!
