
November 12, 2014

Keeping warm

Since the weather has gotten colder, we haven't been spending as much time outside.  Rob brought home an old metal brake drum and he dug a hole to make a safe little fire ring.

 Perfect for marshmallow roasting.
 While the girls were in dance class I went to Crabtree & Evelyn at the mall, because I had gotten a 25% off coupon in the mail.  In the winter, their hand therapy is the most moisturizing (and great smelling) to me.  My favorite scent is either "Rosewater," "Summer Hill" or "La Source."  I was introduced to their Jojoba oil soaps as a child, my grandmother always seemed to have them in her bathroom.  I think they make nice little gifts.
Another favorite shop of mine is Anthropologie, where I saw this pack of paper placemats!  Wouldn't that make a fun gift?  My sister's birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks. 
I think it might be a fun gift for her, as she has 2 young boys (one is 5 and the other is almost 3)...something they could do together at brekkie.  
I'm going to make some for us using large paper...and then we can recycle that paper by making another fire in the backyard or in the woodstove inside our home.


  1. What a great idea for fall, to have a fire ring out back! I love the cream that Crabtree and Evelyn makes, called Gardener's Therapy. Nothing else I've ever used disappears so magically into the skin leaving it smooth and not gummy.

  2. What a great idea the fire pit is. Cold weather is a good time for all your artistic endeavors, isn't it? And it is so much easier to bake in the cold...
    Happy November.

  3. Its like the weather has turned suddenly, hasnt it? I love a good camp fire :) we've been enjoying our fire pit this autumn! And s'mores are definitely verrrry scrumptious!
