
December 1, 2014

Church in Minneapolis

We went to Minneapolis for an Irish dancing event.  We visited St. Panteleimon's, where our friend Fr. Anthony is the priest.  He is one of the priests who helps out at ORPR camp in July. Below, he is holding an icon of St. Alexis Toth.
Fr. Anthony starts the prayer before we all ate...and this little boy in the suit and tie is Petya, who was celebrating his 7th birthday.
They have a beautiful little bell tower.  The weather was lovely, snowy, but warm and sunny with blue skies.  I ♥ visiting new churches.


  1. that's so lovely! and looks like a beautiful day too!

  2. What a joy - we have church family all over the place, glory to God! I liked seeing the church and Fr. Anthony also. Happy December to you all.

  3. Very beautiful church! And I love this small bell tower.

  4. What a beautiful church! And I love when churches have bell towers...there's nothing prettier than church bells, I think!
