
June 26, 2015

32 weeks 5 days

Yesterday, I made red raspberry leaf tea.  I followed the advice here, but only steeped it for 10 minutes:  Less than 2 months until we meet our wee one and I want to be strong and ready for labor.
Today I am 32 weeks and 5 days.
 We have been going to the concerts in the park weekly.
 The girls were playing slap-jack.  It was the steel drum band, calypso-style music...really summery!
Olivia got a baseball from one of the Miami Marlins players at the game we went to last week.  The girls did Irish dancing pre-game and post-game and they got to watch fireworks from the visitors dugout. 
Olivia turned 12 last month.
Father and son...we roasted marshmallows after dinner at my in-laws house on Father's day.
And our oldest daughter, turns 14 today!


  1. wow! it goes so fast, the kids growing up! you look lovely! some nice times you have had! many years to your two daughters!!

  2. You look very pretty! Many years to your Daughters!

  3. You look wonderful, Martha! Many years to your beautiful girls!

  4. There are 14 years between the youngest and oldest of my siblings. You are looking lovely and I am wishing you all the best in health and continued hope and holiness of purpose.
