
July 17, 2015

baby and another birthday

A friend came over and took photos in our backyard.  She is starting up a photography business and so I was grateful to be able to help her build her portfolio. Here is her website:
Rob has been working on repainting and putting up moulding and decorative corners and mineral spirits (it smells) on the floor to prepare it for tung oil.  I think this pale green is good for a baby boy or girl.
Our plum tree had a lot of hard plums fall off it in the thunderstorms earlier this week, so much wind and rain.  I found a recipe and made plum jam.
Turned out to be such a pretty color.  One of the batches I did, I added chopped basil leaves, which added a nice savory flavor to it.  I used a bit less sugar than she suggests here:
Yesterday, was my niece's 8th birthday.  They made mango mousse (simply 3 mangos, pureed, and whipping cream) and since she loves lions, the chocolate chips made the face of a lion!  It was scrumptious.


  1. those are so lovely! the pictures! and the birthday! you have a beautiful family! May God protect you all!!!

  2. What wonderful photos indeed

  3. Love the photos...and i must say, I always thought you pretty but you are just gorgeous with child.
    Your husband's melon made me smile.

  4. What a cute set of photos - May God bless your little child in these last days before he or she comes into the light of day, and in the first days after birth. I am so excited for you!

    Your jam looks wonderful in the pot, and in the jar.
