
August 24, 2015


This is one of the best places to hide.
Across the street from my mom's, they demolished a nice ranch house, which they've done a lot recently around here, building a "McMansion" in the place, it makes me kind of sad.  Everyone wanted to go check it out, so far, they've dug a big hole for the basement.
 My nephew, Timothy, will be 18 months tomorrow.  
This is my sister and her husband and 2 kids who live in Canada who came for a visit...
 We made chocolate mustache cookies with my nephews from Portland, Oregon, who were here for a visit.  
It's been really nice to have so much family around lately.  I volunteered for a week in July at ORPR camp, and our girls stayed 3 weeks more, here and here are photos.  

P.S. I made a poll ( if you want to join in guessing if we're going to have a boy or girl, I'd love to see the results.  All of my sisters have had boys lately, but they all came before their "due date."

1 comment:

  1. hope your baby comes soon!!! we are thinking of you!!! I don't have a good guess as to if your new one is a boy or girl but we pray that the birth will go very well and both you and baby in good health...
