
October 30, 2018


Paul has been on a mostly gluten-free diet for 6 months now.  Pamela's baking & pancake mix has become one of our favorites.  We made yam biscuits with it.  Usually we make pancakes.  Making waffles with the mix is also really easy & they turn out scrumptious.
Soccer season is over for Olivia.  I think last fall was better, because they had a separate varsity & junior varsity.  This year, they had one team, basically and she didn't get to play as much.  She still enjoyed it.
 We love pomegranates!
Leaves are changing colors around here & they're so pretty.  Band is done for Hannah & Olivia now, too.  It was a busy fall for them, but we enjoyed hearing them get better & better. 


  1. Lovely to see what your family are up to these days... mmm... Biscuits! I baked some yesterday... so good! Your photo of the leaves and wood at the end is beautiful! God Bless you all there :) ((HUGS))

  2. Those biscuits look yummy, and your little boy so cute! Love the autumn pictures and the picture of your daughter with the yellow truck. What a fun truck!

  3. Yay! I've been hoping for a blog update!
