
April 14, 2019

Go outside

Yesterday we helped pull weeds in the garden at church.  That's a huge clump of mint!  It was taking over the herb garden.
I'm inspired by friend who is making a log of time outside.  We spent 5 hours out yesterday!  Goal #1000hoursoutside. Maybe we'll go over that goal!
Rollerskating after church was first time for Paul.
We started redoing our bathroom. My brother-in-law is a plumber!  He is doing most of the work. I'll share the before and after photos next week!  Rob put on an enamel tub paint (in the garage):
My view a few times each day.  Truth is life isn't easy though.  I bought St. John's wort & am hoping it helps me to be a more positive person. I'm starting off with a 375mg capsule everyday.  I'm also taking a probiotic (and making kombucha, which I love with blueberries) & dessicated cow liver in a capsule for vitamin B12. I have had a hard time preparing dinner, making time for me to shower, & get upset easily, trying to keep the house relatively clean, laundry, dishes, even grocery shopping.  The weather warming up, more fresh air & sunshine will help, I'm sure.


  1. It can be really hard, winter, lent, a baby and not having enough sleep. It sounds like you may need some help around the house and that dinner time is esp hard. a big HUG!!! I hope you feel better and that you can get some rest. lots of love to you!

  2. I hope the sunshine does help, and being outdoors... You aren't trying to fast too strictly while nursing, are you? Maybe your girls could each do some prep work in the mornings, like chopping vegetables, and then it would make actually cooking the dinner a little easier.

    I don't suppose the boys take naps at the same time -- that would be lovely, if you could nap when they did.

    May God bless and encourage you! These years are definitely an endurance trial, even with all the joys. <3

    1. I have been lucky a few times this past week, when their naps overlapped for an hour. And we talked about everyone helping out around the house a bit more!
