
April 28, 2019


George's first Pascha!  He was good through the midnight service, bright-eyed, looking at all the beeswax candles and smiling at people with the joy I'm sure his soul felt while we celebrated Christ's Resurrection.
I made 8 kulich in all. One without raisins for my husband.  3 with Thompson organic raisins & 4 with golden raisins. Lemon icing and raisins to decorate.  My niece made these earrings as a gift for me.
Christ is Risen!


  1. I was pretty sleepy myself Pascha night. I loved watching all the children, and they probably helped the time to go fast for me.

    Christ is risen indeed!

  2. Christ is RISEN! Indeed He is Risen! How sweet...his first Pascha! Hope you've all had a wonderful Holy Week and Pascha... may your Bright Week be JOY-full! :) ((HUGS))
