
May 6, 2019

Saint George day

What beautiful weather we're having here. It's Saint George day!  Little George had a nice namesday.  The bishop came and we had a festive service with procession outside.
Paul and I got ice cream together.
Hannah and Olivia went to their school prom and looked very fancy.  It's nice to dress up!
I really love Trader Joe's.  I am able to use Hannah's employee discount (10%) since she's under 18 & living in our house.  I always get organic carrots there, just 89 cents for a pound.


  1. I love Trader Joe's too!!! Looks like a nice Prom prep! happy St George day! wonderful Saint, one of my most favourites! :) sending lots of love to you!

  2. WOW... look at your girls! Beautiful girls... great dresses! Goodness me, prom days were soooo long ago... I feel OLD... haha! How cute are your boys. :) Happy, Blessed days to you all ((HUGS))
