
June 3, 2019

Post partum

This book The First Forty Days by Heng Ou, is still good for me, full of stories of the need for nourishment, healing and recipes. Post partum recovery should be slow.  I am a breastfeeding advocate.  It helps your body do what it should & is the best food for your baby.  I made broth yesterday using the bones leftover from grilled pork ribs we had, and added an onion & carrots.  I drank a cup of it with a pinch of Himalayan pink good.  Next, I want to make the gooey brownie recipe.
Today marks 7 months since George's birth.  He has 2 teeth, started eating whole milk yogurt, also he likes applesauce.
Hannah had an award ceremony today.  All the students wore their cap & will be graduating in a few days!  She was presented with a book from her AP Literature and Language teachers for her engaging participation in discussions.
Outdoor baby, he was so happy to be in the grass.

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