
July 23, 2019

Tea time

Today, I'm just staying home.  My mom is preparing for a tea party this afternoon.  I wanted to go and be with all the nieces & nephews.  We have one car now (the Subaru was totalled in a car accident July 6th.  Everyone was fine, thank God. We had actually given it to Hannah June 6th, so just 1 month). The boys both slept poorly last night.  One coughing, one teething.  This is life.
My nieces built this boat, The Floating Cheese.  Below, are some others that I thought were neat.
My sister who lives in Canada and her family are in town.
Hard to believe a cardboard boat can hold 3 people and do so well!
A gift for a girl in church, a little hand-me-down pet hospital and toy horse, cat and dog.
After church our boys played.
I'm so happy these guys get along so well.
They are the same age for 3 days.  So just a wee bit less than 12 months apart.
And these 2 are 13 months apart.
Last week, my mom had a tea party for my 12 year old niece.  It was on her actual birthday.
Finger sandwiches, watermelon, tea and macarons! 
The adults sat here.  Yikes.  My oldest daughter is 18.  She's officially an adult. 
The babies.
Just a few minutes after, it rained.
Yesterday, we got our lifetime National Parks pass!  It's FREE for all veterans, so my husband sent his paperwork in last week!


  1. What a rewarding experience, to build a boat that you can then float in!

    It's fun to see all the babies and children together.

  2. How sweet that family tea party!! :) LOVED seeing all the photos... So very thankful you all are after the "fender bender" :/ ((HUGS))
