
July 5, 2019


For the first time in a long time I went to the movie theater to see a movie!  Hannah Olivia and I saw Yesterday.  The story is around the songs by The Beatles, who in some strange way have been forgotten and this man, who is the main character, plays and sings their songs beautifully.  Rob had the boys.  
Look who's crawling!
 Nursing on the 4th of July. The pony rides were only $2 each person.
I made these zeppole (minus the ricotta) and fried them in coconut oil. 
I have a new God-daughter she is 9 years old.  She chose a silver cross that's in the very middle here, it was just $24, but tarnished.  One of the girls took it and made a little bowl out of aluminum foil, added baking soda and hot water and now it is beautiful and shiny!
The baptism was Saturday.  Her mom with the baptismal gowns & towels.
The family of 7.  Each of their crosses.
She took St. Hannah as her patron saint.
 Baby shower for my friend, Maryna!
Our little puddle pool is a great way to cool off.
 Parade on the evening of the 3rd of July!  We watched fireworks, too.  George slept through it.
We got way too much junky candy... it seems so wasteful.
Love that old retro bus!
8 months old now!


  1. a lot of nice and fun things! I am so glad! :) neat about the movie! I have not been to a movie in a very long time!

  2. That is wonderful news about the baptism of the family of seven! Our parish also had a family of seven baptized at Pascha, plus two more children with parents -- it was glorious. Many years!!

  3. Sooo much FUN! And Georgie crawling... wow!! :) Those zeppole pasties look sooo delicious--yum! How beautiful to see the family of crosses all line up--makes the heart bloom, doesn't it?! I'd like to dip my toes in that puddle pool... It's finally getting warmer here, before summers over! ;) Happy Days & Blessings ((HUGS))
