
July 24, 2021

House for sale!

We listed our house last week and accepted an offer.  It's been our home for 15 years!  I will miss it, but am ready for a bit more land.  These photos above were taken by the photographer who works with our realtor.

We've told some people about the place we plan to move to, but for now, I will keep it private. The house we put an offer down on, a few weeks ago, is not definite, as I believe it is a foreclosure, it has to be approved by the court.

Our hibiscis flowers are blooming and looking beautiful! There's a wee bunny who has moved in under the shed, can you see her under the pink hibiscis?  Our pears look lovely.  I wonder if we will get to eat any, or the squirrels, or the new owner. The thunderstorms the past couple of weeks brought a lot of wind and we lost a couple of limbs off the peach tree. 

A speckled egg from our barred rock hens today!  Hope you have a nice weekend.


  1. congrats! I will keep my fingers crossed the house you are purchasing comes through quickly. We were in our house for 16 years and moving was crazy!!

  2. Your house looks beautiful. I can imagine how you will miss it, but how exciting to be looking forward to more land!
