
October 25, 2023


Holding my head up and pulling my shoulders back to a relaxed position feels better than my often hunched over profile.  

If I haven't put a pillow under the baby, while I nurse, I lean forward in a way that may cause back pain. Also, using my back in a symmetrical way helps, sweeping using the right and then left feels fair. I'm trying to put Elijah in the carrier, if he needs to sleep, and whatever I need to do, whether vacuum, laundry or something outside, usually results in a nap. Must be the fluidity of movement relaxes him. I listened to Katy Bowman talk about movement in our sedentary world.  A friend recently recommended her to me.  Getting outside everyday is wonderful.  I collected some leaves.  The fresh air feels so good in my lungs.  So, I think about my posture as I walk along these days.


We put Elijah down on a blanket more often.  Not just on his back, but on his stomach, too.  Tummy time is done every day for a few minutes and will:

  • help develop strong neck and shoulder muscles
  • promote gross motor skills
  • prevent flat head issues
  • build core muscles needed to crawl, sit, and walk
  • quality time with other little siblings
It is also beneficial for adults.  Engaging my core muscles and obliques help my back to feel better.  So, I'll be there on the floor with them, with my arms out to the side, lifting them just a little up and down.  These are exercises I did while in a class at the YMCA.
Last week was Paul's namesday!  Here he is with the icon of his patron saint.
One month old and suddenly looking so alert!  I took out all the newborn clothing and have 3 month items for him.  The newborn clothing will go to a nice woman at church, Anya, who is due in 3 weeks.


  1. I work very hard and exercising my core muscles to help my back and I still can have back issues! I hope you keep the issues as arm's length. What a beautiful family :)

  2. For a very different reason, I am needing to focus on my posture. If I can manage to get myself down on the floor (face down - lol) I think your exercises would do me good, too!
