
April 16, 2024


These chocolate chip cookies are this recipe for peanut butter cookies, but i made them with gluten-free flour and added chocolate chips to the dough.  We had guests stay in our cottage over the weekend.  Friends from church. This recipe is simple, vegan + did I mention made in  just 1 bowl?
Did you see the solar eclipse last week?  We went to the Syracuse area to visit my cousin and his wife.  She made these eclipse cookies!
Thankfully, we got to see the 1st part of it pretty well because after it got dark as night, the clouds moved in.
Last Tuesday Paul's Godfather was at the monastery for a clergy conference.  It was nice to see him!  The weather was perfect for spring.  The grass is really growing well!
Look who can sit up unassisted now!
Elijah's little friend came over yesterday!


  1. there's a lot of cookies in this post! I love them but I've been trying not to eat that much sugar :) I was in my backyard for the eclipse, it was nice!

  2. I LOVE the eclipse cookies! We had a beautiful view of the eclipse. The pictures of the boys are great. I can't believe your baby is sitting up. He's so adorable.

  3. All the cookies in this post look delicious! I can't believe how big the boys are getting. Good strength to you as you complete the fast!
