
May 7, 2024

Baby bunnies

Look how pink + tiny these bunnies are!  The mother made a furry warm nest for them and we fed her dandelion greens on the side, so we could get a good look at the babies.
We celebrated Pascha this past weekend and yesterday was St. George day! Everything was exhausting, yet so beautiful!
Holy Saturday we went to Liturgy in the morning, came home, we decorated our kulich and cheese Pascha, took baths and went to bed to sleep a few hours before the midnight service.
Paul did the letters XB with raisins for Христос Воскресе, which means "Christ is Risen" in Russian.
Holy Friday we were at Dormition chapel in the cemetery for the evening Lamentations.
There are now 15 lambs, as one more was just born this morning! These are Jacob's sheep.
We brought 1 inside for a little, just to take photos, otherwise they are with their mothers, all are nursing well.
The cheese Pascha is now half gone. It was 2 pounds in all.  I will make another batch this week.


  1. Those sheep are adorable. And how wonderful to be able to observe the brand new bunnies!

  2. loved the photos and the family, so many good things!!
