
March 24, 2008

Life goes by FAST

67 words

Speedtest...When Rob was in Iraq in 2005, I became a proficient typer (in high school I had to learn how to type properly in my "keyboarding" class). We communicated FREE and saw each other (which was so good since the girls wanted to SEE daddy) via Yahoo Messenger and the $20 webcam we got at Walmart. I'm still pretty good at typing.

Let us all remember all that Christ did for us and does daily in our lives! I've been making a few cards. And plan on making some aprons. Maybe I'll join this SWAP, or make a bunch for gifts?
Yesterday, after church, we had fun hunting for hidden eggs outside in the sunshine (it was a bit chilly, though). The Orthodox celebrate our Lord's Resurrection AFTER Passover (which starts April 20), so Pascha will be April 27th. As with most holidays, I find that it's nice to celebrate with my in-laws and then later with my family, we don't have to try to be with both!

I just finished The Good Husband of Zebra Drive by Alexander McCall Smith, in which the Botswana couple whose shop is half detective agency and half devoted to car mechanics, realize how good their life truly is...


  1. I like the reading photo & the egg photo, is she trying to put the egg in his pocket ? I will have to try that typing test !

  2. glad your Easter was wonderful.

    that book sounds good! might have to look for it.

    great photos! thanks for sharing!

  3. it is convenient to have more time for all the different relatives, good point!

  4. I am too embarrassed to take that test! If we cut your score in half, that would probably give us an accurate representation of my own sorry speed. What a sweet inspiration you had to start typing a little faster. I love your pretty "Christ is Risen" card!

  5. I love that you have a photo of you reading, I don't think I really have one. I'll have to see if Dh will take one of me.

  6. It looks like the girls had fun on their egg hunt, and you had a good time finishing up your book :)

    I don't want to toot too much, but I can type 106 words a minute, at least according to that little test :) Travis always makes fun of how fast I type, probably b/c all he can do is hen-peck at the keys!!
