
March 28, 2008


I'm so glad the sun decided to come out today. The sky has been gray and I thought it would rain. Finally, our grass is growing again, our lawn looks green and I bet in a month we'll need to mow!

Our backyard is great. I jumped on the trampoline with the girls (Olivia sweetly asked me to hold bunny's hand, because she said I'm her Godmother. Now, you can see she has her cardinal) & gave a few "under-doggies"...anyone else remember those?

"Under doggy" = you push and run UNDER the swing. So, it's really fun....whoever is on the swing goes really high!
Hannah just took this photo of me with my icon of St. Martha (who was sister to Lazarus), who I was named after. If you have a photo of yourself with your icon, come along:
Yesterday, I took the FREE stamping class at Archiver's with my was wonderful! I thought I knew enough, but there are so many different kinds of inks, we made some great "recipe" cards, using dye ink, chalk ink, alcohol ink, staz-on (on a button!), embossed, etc. And I bought a silver sparkle pen and stamp set by Hero Arts (that logo for the back of my cards was one, got a "coupon" one, to: and from: & more).


  1. What great pictures!! I would love to have a trampaline in my backyard although the last time I bounced on one, I got pretty sick.

    I don't know that I have any icons, but my full Catholic name incorporates St. Ann (mother of Mary) and St. Frances. My Catholic name is very long :)

  2. I don't have an Icon. I don't even know what my name means-jovial ? I really have no clue..I heard it's from ITALY. I'm jealous, I want a trampoline too (good exercise) & I have to be brave & try that "UNDERDOGGIE" thing. Sounds like a challenge !

  3. love all of the photos!!! thanks for sharing. and trampolines are always fun!

  4. Love the pictures! Love the green grass poking through.

    Yeah for the stamps!!
