
April 5, 2008

April showers bring May flowers

I've been anxious for flowers....and all week, we've had rain, I keep thinking we'll get blossoms soon & lo and behold, a small daffodil opened up in our front yard. Many buds are ready to open. Rob and I are trying to figure out how to re-landscape our front yard. Should we keep the rocks? Mulch? Curving bed or straight (he though old railroad ties might be cool, I was thinking bricks)?

Yesterday, we went to the art museum with our friends, Zizi & Ana. The elevator has an awesome mirrored ceiling!


  1. Sounds like a good fun time w/ friends at the museum & I LOVE THE FLOWER BLOOMING ! I love RIVER rocks landscape. Someday, we'll have a house & we'll never move again & I want BIG RIVER STONES.

  2. Such a cute post! It does sound like everyone had a wonderful time. Thanks for stopping by on my blog - yeah, it was a silly post but hey, we all have our Kryptonite and I'm a closet nerd!

  3. I LOVE daffodils! It is so gr8 that they are starting to bloom....Spring has arrived at your house YAY!

    I love all your pic's....clever girl taking one in the elevator!


  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Beautiful! I'm finally starting to post on my blog...hope you are doing well! Kristina

  6. Great pics. Love the elevator and the "totem" on the steps.
    Sounds like you had a fun day.
    Hurray for spring.
    I think I really like the river rocks. Low maintenance means more time for trips like this one.

  7. I say, keep the rocks. Do they cover your whole front yard? If so, maybe just keep them in one bed.

    For me, always curve beds. My husband prefers straight lines.

    You might check our Matushka Emma's idea for borders on her blog -

    Good luck!

  8. Here, I found the exact link for the willow branch border:
