
April 8, 2008

Spending MORE time outside!

Yes, it was plenty warm least 70' and sunny, so when I got home, Rob was the coolest...he had hooked up the hose to the slide again and let the girls put on their swimsuits.
Yesterday, Farmer Frank (he asked the kids if he could put a chick on their head) from Sunrock Farm brought goats, a rabbit, a pig, sheep and chicks to our school. A goat nibbled on my skirt!

We went to the Kite Fest and saw some amazing kites, many were like giant windsocks, shaped like fish or a penguin....the funniest one were these legs & soccer ball! On the way home we went to IKEA. It was so inspiring. I wish I had extra money to get some new furniture!I love this grass...the tops dry and swirl. My mother-in-law let me cut down the bush and I put it in a lovely bouquet by my fireplace. I would like to buy some to plant in our yard. Does anyone know what it's called?


  1. I love those pics! Your daughters are so beautiful! the kites are funny! and that grass is pretty, i dont know what it's called. by the way, no hof call for me. i addressed it on my blog.

  2. Wow! It is really warm where you are! I love the chick! I'd be a sad puppy without sleeves here.

    And, can you imagine the scrapbook page with that grass? The swirlys you can use! Sigh!

    I have no idea what they are called, though.

  3. I love the new header! I still want to know how you get your recipes and photos so clear and how you adjust your fonts! I love it! I'll be trying that chocolate cake recipe too! Thanks :)

  4. I LOVE THE CHICK picture on the head !!! so cooool. Also, how did you do the "GRASS" photo / blurry background ! It's a nice photo & I want to learn how you did that ? I'm going to research on that grass or ask a BOTANIST !

  5. What a lovely post! Your girls are wearing sundresses.....yay! that means the sun is well & truly out...well I suppose it has to be to have the hose on the slide :o) :o)

    Very cute chick pic! Oh that rhymes...silly me!

