
May 6, 2008


See the end of this post for the contest! Did any of you watch Cranford Sunday evening? I almost always enjoy Masterpiece Theatre! I only wish it weren't on so late, I am a (10pm bedtime) morning person. I thought it was wonderful that the town all gave their candles to the new doctor, so he could perform surgery in the middle of the night to save the carpenter's arm! I hope the doctor ends up with the sweet girl who gave him a basket of cherries. I'm looking forward to next week.

It's our parish feast day! We celebrated St. George today and his life is really fascinating. It bothers me that some call his battle against the dragon a legend. In school, why was I taught evolution? Why did my science teachers explain the Big Bang? Do they all assume we already know how God made the earth? Unfortunately, I think many people don't hear or read the Bible, which is really the oldest book! Yes, facts are great, and I have to rely on faith for many things, but this definitely seems more logical to me!Juliana, Hannah and Olivia busy creating together. We played outside a lot this weekend. Jumped on the trampoline lots and lots!Rob and our girls posing for me...we had a fun time trying to fly our kites, it was very windy, but the wind wasn't constant (that's what you get for living in the suburbs, too many houses in the way).


Can you tell me what flower this is?
Post your answer in the comments section, to win a box of Orange Rooibos Tea, Lemon Honey Sticks, some hand-made cards (from yours truly) and one of my favorite pens. Contest ends Friday May 16th!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. There are those who find it difficult to believe Darwinism is the only theory worth any weight - there is Intelligent Design. Why it is easier to believe that things just HAPPENED instead of having some type of divine source is amazing. I believe in God and I don't believe it all just happened by chance. Sorry to be filling up your comments with all my ramblings but you are right here, Martha, and maybe it is time for folks to get vocal.

  3. Okay, honest, last comment - is that Ohio buckeye?

  4. is it celery? by the way i love that picture of you in your avatar!
    and your family is looking sooo cute!

  5. We TiVo'd Cranford and haven't had the time to watch it yet. I'm also not a night person, so having a DVR saves us time and we get to stretch out our viewing enjoyment over 2-3 days.

    Happy Parish Feast Day!

    I don't know what the flower/plant is.

  6. I want to watch Cranford, I shall see it online before this weekend so I can claim the couch as my "Mother's Day Cranford Watching spot"

  7. Sorry if I ruined Cranford for anyone who hadn't watched it. I am very embarrassed at doing that. Will delete my posts if possible.

  8. I don't even know what Cranford it wasn't spoilt for me :o)

    I too believe in a supernatural Creator...things on this planet are far to intelligent & intricate to attribute to 'clever slime'. And anyhow dear Darwin renounced all his 'theories', as merely hearsay, on his death bed, which leaves us only one other option.....God!

    Can't say I have ever seen a flower like that no prize for me :o(
    Your little family is looking adorable!


  9. Hi there! Blogspot is acting up with the images these days, so I can't even see the flower that you posted. :-( I'll be posting some myself soon.

    I watch PBS tons at home but usually miss out while traveling - too bad!

  10. I think it's a rhubarb.

    Your kiddlets are so stinkin' cute, it's ridiculous.

    (And I didn't just say that to butter you up either! That's the comment I was going to make before I even saw the contest. Honest! ;-))

    I love Masterpiece Theatre, but it bores DH to tears!

  11. I wanted to say oak-leaf hydrangea, but don't think I'm right....


  12. I wanted to say oak-leaf hydrangea, but don't think I'm right....


  13. I'm going to guess white lilac, but I think it's not right. I will think about it more... :)

  14. it snowdrop or lillium? Maybe I should pick a definite answer...I'll have to think about it some more ;)

  15. It looks like a rhubarb flower to me.

  16. I don't know what that flower is, but I'd like to win some STUFFS from U ! ha ha. I love your "H" scraplayout w/ her in the trampoline. I will have to COPY that journals & all. I love it. We are still up in WI - seems like this long vacation is never gonna end. I miss my OWN PRIVATE HOME & we are living in suitcases / NOMADS for a while & I'm not feeling so great about NOMAD living.
