
May 2, 2008

I plan to bake another batch of....

I got some neat recipe cards...

Slice it so that you have a circle for a slice....and top with this: (click to enlarge)

My sister, Mary, is moving to Kiev, Ukraine (her fiance just got a job there) later this year! Part of me is jealous, she's a world traveller, I wish I could do the same, but having young children, my husband is very protective...of them and me, too.

Practicing on stage....ballet recitals are in two weeks!

Joscie, my scrapping friend from Hawaii, is featured here: I love the page she designed! She's awesome and inspiring. Congratulations, Joscie!


  1. Ballet recitals??? that is so great...are both girls involved?


  2. Those recipe cards are so cool, and congratulations to Mary. Does this mean you'll get to go visit?

    Best wishes for the recital!

  3. Those recipes sound good. I will have to try them. My girls are into baking right now. Perfect timing. Make sure you visit your sister. What a wonderful experience for her! Great ballet watcher shot.

  4. Yummy bread. My DH makes all kinds of bread. Do you have to have that special vessel? Cut picts of your girls. :)

  5. I just saved those recipes... I intend to try them! :) Your girls are just so precious! and Thanks! :)
