
August 29, 2008

A flower for your hair!

I've made a few more of these...and the girls have been helping, too. Sewing is a great skill to learn, at ages 5 and 7.


  1. These are too cute! I would love for the girls to know how to sew, but I am not very good myself. Is there a good book out there?

    M. Michelle

  2. wow! you are VERY talented with those! holy moley they are PURTY PURTY PURTY!! I love your blog. You create beautifully and your pictures are great! And I admire your zest for homeschooling. I think it takes a special person to be able to do that!

  3. How cute is that?!? And wonderful that it is something that the girls can help with :)

  4. So cute! I wonder if my dog would wear one? LOL!

  5. I love these! They look so adorable, you'll have to post a tutorial for us!

    BTW, I'd love for you to donate something to the BD giveaway, thanks so much for offering! Just let me know and I'll e-mail you the details...

    If you don't mind, I'd love for you to post about it too! :)

    Hope all is well! How's schooling coming along?

  6. I would love to learn how to make those! Are they hard? Very cute.

  7. that is so cute! I made a felt flower/button combo from some Making MEmories stuff and want to attach it to a clip. I also bought a yoyo maker the other day to try my hand and those. super cute M! :)

  8. Those are really cute! I cannot sew to save me, but my oldest daughter did teach herself how to knit and crochet. I told her she needs to teach her momma how to do it now. :)

    Have you always homeschooled your kids? This is our first year, and I love it!

  9. That flower is simply ADORABLE! You could do so much with that~ I'm sure you've put some on a page :)

  10. That flower is soooo cute! You should open an etsy shop!

  11. That is really neat. You make the neatest things.

  12. Talented you are! I want to teach my girls to sew. I guess I'll have to learn.

    I like the scarf & the freckles too!

  13. That's just too cute!!! I can't believe it, your girls are sewing??? WOWSERS! I did go to a couple of classes, but that's when I was like 15 or so... at 6 or 7 I didn't want to come close to ANYTHING girly :) I was too much of a tomboy then!

  14. Look what you have started Martha...& flower & yo-yo craze....:o)

    Everyone loves them!!!

  15. My seven year old has been asking me to teach her to sew. This might be the perfect first project!
