
September 1, 2008

Labor day weekend

We went on an 8 mile canoe trip Saturday morning. It was beautiful and sunny! We stopped a few times to take a break. It took us about 4 hours, my arms were a bit sore and next time, I'm packing a cushion to sit on!

I've been baking batches upon batches of piroshki. I also made some ginger meringues to sell at the "sweet booth." Our church is putting on a Russian Fest this weekend! See photos from last year: HERE. I will be working as cashier at the "main food pavillion," when I'm not singing in the folk group performances. Everyone welcome!

You must go over to A Tad Bit Prudish and check out Sylvia's giveaway. She is helping to promote the launch of Blissfully Domestic! I just read the article about vaccinations and then, making trendy and affordable wall it.


  1. looks like you had a fabulous weekend!!!...the russian fest sounds like alot of FUN!....can't wait to see those pics!...

  2. Your canoe trip looked like so much fun. I would love to do something like that.

  3. Wow, that canoe trip sounds like something! Bet the girls loved it.

  4. Hey...Was that at Morgan's ? I love that place! I might come to the Russian Fest!!!!

    See ya!

  5. was! So much fun. Next time we are wearing out swimsuits and might bring Lusy. It was about $35, not bad at all!

  6. Ooooo. . .that canoe trip sounds fab! Where, exactly, were you? Were there rapids or anything?

  7. What a shame I don't live closer! I would SO be there! Are you Russian, or is the church of Russian origin? (By the way, I found your friend Molly's blog, and I have to say, I absolutely LOVED her post on Virgin Mary!)
    I have never taken a serious trip on a canoe... I think I'd die if I had to row! OR MAYBE I'D LOSE SOME WEIGHT!!!

  8. The festival looks so cool! I wish I lived by you so I could go:) I can't wait to see pictures--take some of the food too:)

  9. Yes of course I made the kitty cat hat! Very cute hair stuff :o)

  10. wow, an 8 mile canoe trip!!! You are some kind of super-mom!!! My arms would have fallen off! Glad you had a great time!

  11. Looks like you put on a nice festival. Our parish is hosting its first Russian festival in a couple of weeks. We'll see how it goes!

  12. A canoe trip sounds fun! Hope the Russian Festival goes awesome! :)

  13. What a fun way to spend the day... a canoe trip!

  14. What fun! I'm glad you all raised a lot of money for the church! I'm sure the girls had a blast!

    BTW, love the Vera Bradley bag in the background. :)
