
October 24, 2008

Eritrean Orthodox

A friend from church, Magdalena, stopped by yesterday and we ended up going to a new local restaurant owned by a family from Eritrea, a country in East Africa, that is near to Ethiopia. We were surprised to see a donation box for their church building fund on the counter, they are Orthodox Christians, like us! We asked them about their church and they told us that presently they have a priest that comes down once a month from Columbus, Ohio for service. It starts at 7:30am and ends about 11:00am Sundays. If we combined Vigil and Liturgy, that's how long it would be for us, too, but we do half of the service on Saturday in the evenings.

We ate mostly using the "ingera" a large, soft, flat bread, that is like a crepe or blini, but not made with flour, rather a grain called teff.

A glimpse in their modern bathroom! The drain was long and narrow, basically a slit.


  1. I love that bread! My Sudanese friends used to always make it for me:)

  2. Sounds like an interesting outing. I love making new friends.

    Great many buildings here have them too.

  3. I'm not sure which flour she uses. My mom makes it too and I think she uses wheat.

  4. Mmmmm. This is some of my favorite food!

  5. See my response to your question about the analogies book on my homeschool blog . . . Thanks for asking!

  6. I love going to places where I can learn about new cultures. It doesn't cease to amaze me, though, how sometimes we can all be so much alike, like the owners of the restaurant who end up being Orthodox Christians like yourself! Isn't that just wonderful!
    Love the pic of their bathroom! If only those fixtures weren't so expensive, man!

  7. I had Ethiopian food for the first time this summer, and I can assure, it won't be the last!

    I'd love to go to a Coptic service someday!

  8. heya ! Hope u are well !! :) Thanks for always leaving love on my blog ! REally Makes My day to see u !! The sumptuous meal sure looks interesting yet to try something like that :D :D

  9. I'm gluten intolerant, so the teff flour is a great alternative for me, but I keep trying to make injera, and I can never seem to get it right. Ugh.
