
October 27, 2008

Today is really chilly...

One of my blogging friends recently tagged me. So, without further ado, here are 7 random things about me:

  1. Anything homemade makes me happy, especially food, but also handsewn clothes, handmade cards, a painting...

  2. I would love to see the first African American president in the somewhat near future (however I was thinking in the terms of Alan Keyes)!

  3. I am going to get some raw milk this week, I have to drive out of's like bootleg, can you believe it? $7 per gallon.

  4. Last night, we made some fantastic Thai food with some friends. I'm learning all these names, but we made sticky rice, Larb, Green Papaya Salad, Pork Satay, and Pod Thai.

  5. A fire is gently burning in the fireplace.

  6. Today I finished A Thousand Splendid Suns...what an emotional, deep and realistic fictional novel.

  7. I am doing a painting for Art For A Cause...the proceeds benefit Afghan war orphans (one place badly in needs of funds described in the above-mentioned book).
    Now I'm tagging: Susanna, Anne, Jovina, Amanda and Kristina - I wanted to tag everyone...but if you want to play along, I'd love to read yours, so leave a comment and let me know, pretty please with sugar on top!


  1. I tagged you for this too last week:)

    I would love the fire in the fireplace! What is raw milk?

  2. Does being tagged mean I'm suppost to write 7 random things about myself? I can do that, I think I do that in most of my posts which are my thoughts...very random and disorganized.

  3. Interesting facts.....I should really try to make my own Thai food one of these's so yummi!

    I woke up to snow this morning.....

  4. Oh, I love that book too...his writing is just so touching and thought provoking isn't it?

    Cute picture, it's been cool here too!

  5. That is interesting about the raw milk. I have problems with milk bothering me (not lactose intolerant) but I can drink organic with out any problems at all. I wonder if I could find raw milk here. I will have to look because it sounds like something I might like. I don't think I am supposed to drink it while I am pregnant though.

  6. I love the fireplace photo - we have a gas log fireplace, and while I enjoy the warmth, it always strikes me as ridiculously decadent to reach over an turn the fireplace on.

    And, awesome! I agree "Thousand Splendid Suns" was almost better than "The Kite Runner"

  7. WOWSERS!!! My grandma used to get raw milk every single day; a farmer would come to her home and deliver it. The tick crust that forms on top of it was such a delight to eat, we used to put it on top of white bread and eat it with cheese and honey... You made me sigh with good memories, my friend! Thanks!
    I'd LOVE to have a fireplace... I've been thingking of TELLING Brian I need one, even if it's a fake one. It's pretty chilly here, too!

  8. The book sounds interesting...I must look for it.
    I love the pic of the girls by the fire....change is happening here too, we have short pants & sleeves on this week.
    Catch a hug friend!

    PS Thai food is so easy to make & so delicious too!

  9. I love the fireplace! We want to get a wood burning stove. Your ladies look so toasty!


  10. I recently read "A Thousand Splendid Suns" as well. Loved it, it was a very emotional read. I hope you post a picture of your painting once your done.

  11. I have to tell you that I LOVE your fireplace!! Wish I had one!
